Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lieberman-Warner bill (America's Climate Security Act) - Should be called the America Hating Bill

If you haven't heard about this bill, you need to pay attention. The S. 3036 Lieberman-Warner bill (America's Climate Security Act) would raise energy costs for all Americans and cost us many jobs as well! This act would be the largest tax increase in US history and it is being debated in the midst of a recession!

Here is an article in the Wall Street Journal about it:

A cap on Carbon Dioxide emissions would be passed on to consumers. Price increases in food and energy are regressive in that they are a larger burden for poor families as a percentage of their income.

The Lieberman-Warner bill will also cause jobs to be moved to countries that don't have the environmental regulations. It is ineffective in reducing CO2 emissions as it would just move them somewhere else along with the jobs.

If you don't know who your representative in Congress are you can find them here:

Please write to your representatives and tell them to shoot down this bill. While I think President Bush is likely to veto it, I think the next president we elect would consider passing it just to have the appearance of fighting global warming. Congress needs to show that they are strongly opposed to this kind of legislation.

Read the text of the bill here:

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