Friday, June 26, 2009

Why Isn't the Government Doing Something Useful?

The House version of the "Let's Tax the Poor By Making Them Pay More For Things Like Electricity" more commonly refered to as the "Climate Change" Bill passed today.

I wonder when the government will get around to doing something useful or beneficial, instead of like today where the House passed a bill that will hurt Americans. They talk about this being good for the environment, but they ignore the science. Since President Obama was lobbing for this crazy bill, he can't be counted on to veto it, so the Senate is our only hope at sanity! Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant! But it never seems to matter how many times I explain it or how eloquently I speak. I'm surrounded by parrots who squawk really loud. :(

Remember kids, positive reinforcement works so much better than negative. I thought the cash for trading in an old car for new with better fuel economy was a good idea. It's too bad my old car isn't old enough or gass guzzleing enough for the deal though.

Please write to your Senators and explain to them just how crappy this bill is and that you don't want your electric bill to get bigger than it already is.