Sunday, August 16, 2009

CEO insanity

Many Banks paid out more money in bonuses than they made all thanks to government TARP money.

For example: "Goldman Sachs, for instance earned $US2.3 billion, paid out $US4.8 billion in bonuses and received $US10 billion in TARP funding, while JP Morgan Chase earned $US5.6 billion, paid $8.69 billion in bonuses and received $25 billion in TARP funding"

Here's another article about the crazy large CEO salaries and bonuses that have no correlation with reality.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Why Isn't the Government Doing Something Useful?

The House version of the "Let's Tax the Poor By Making Them Pay More For Things Like Electricity" more commonly refered to as the "Climate Change" Bill passed today.

I wonder when the government will get around to doing something useful or beneficial, instead of like today where the House passed a bill that will hurt Americans. They talk about this being good for the environment, but they ignore the science. Since President Obama was lobbing for this crazy bill, he can't be counted on to veto it, so the Senate is our only hope at sanity! Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant! But it never seems to matter how many times I explain it or how eloquently I speak. I'm surrounded by parrots who squawk really loud. :(

Remember kids, positive reinforcement works so much better than negative. I thought the cash for trading in an old car for new with better fuel economy was a good idea. It's too bad my old car isn't old enough or gass guzzleing enough for the deal though.

Please write to your Senators and explain to them just how crappy this bill is and that you don't want your electric bill to get bigger than it already is.

Monday, May 18, 2009

CO2 Cap and Trade, The New Resressive Tax

I just found this interesting article about the proposed cap and trade for CO2 emissions.

The whole thing disgusts me.

It's not about saving the environment; its about increasing taxes on the people who can least afford to pay them. Say they do this cap and trade thing and the electric company has to pay for the CO2 they make. It's an added cost to the business, but they'll just pass that cost on to customers, and higher electric bills will hurt the poor most of all.

Different geographic areas will pay more tax than others. If your electric company uses coal to produce electricity, you will pay more for electricity under cap and trade. This is extremely biased against the residents of Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming, the states with the most electricity from coal.

This isn't just about your electric bill though, the cost of pretty much everything would go up. CO2 is made by the vehicles getting things to the stores, and by other manufacturing processes.

All this talk is not about CO2 harming the environment. Many plants like increased CO2, and grow faster in that environment

It is about finding something to tax, because the rich and powerful don't want to pay their fair share. This is just another way to hurt the little guy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Women's Health in El Salvador

I found this article from the New York Times Magazine while browsing around the internet. It's a interesting article about the current abortion laws in El Salvador, and it disgusted me. In El Salvador abortion is illegal, and both the woman seeking an abortion and the doctor or otherwise performing it face jail time if caught. There is no exception for the health or the life of the mother, nothing for rape or incest. Doctors are even scared to end ectopic pregnancies, where a fertilized egg gets stuck in the fallopian tube. That situation does not result in a baby, but in pain and possible death for the woman. If done early, a simple operation can remove the fetus. If its allowed to grow until the organ ruptures it becomes a medical emergency. In El Salvador, the unlucky women are forced to wait until the fetus dies on its own or their fallopian tube ruptures, before the operation is allowed.

I just don't understand the view that a group of cells is more important than an already living life.

There are people that want these sorts of laws in the United States too. They must truly hate women and want to cause all kinda of needless suffering.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour: A Great Idea For The Wrong Reason

I recently heard about this thing called Earth Hour. On Saturday, March 28th, many people will be turning off their lights 8:30 to 9:30 PM. I think it could make for some cool satellite pictures, and the concept is pretty cool, except for one thing: the whole reason they are doing this, global warming. I'm sure you've guessed by now that I don't intend to turn off my lights then.
I've explained already that global warming was not the result of human actions. Besides that, plants flourish with more carbon dioxide in the air. Past warm periods have also been beneficial to humans as well. Just see my past in depth post:

What about a see the stars, turn out the lights event! That would be fun! Just think about people in cities being able to see the stars, telling each other about the different constellations. People gathering around telescopes to check out the sky! Who's up for this type of event instead?

There Is No Such Thing As Too Big Too Fail

So, the government decides to bail out AIG and look what they do with the money! Although, with what Chris Dodd put into the bill, I'm sure they knew AIG would do this.

This is just disgusting. They should have let AIG go bankrupt and deal with it from there.

Monday, February 2, 2009

CSPIA: One Year Stay For Testing

Good news for artisans of children's items. The CPSC has granted a one year stay for testing. The Feb 10 deadline was fast approaching, and this give a bit of breathing room. Now they need to figure out some worthwhile exceptions to this crazy law. Where on Earth did they come up with the idea that blue yarn + purple yarn = DEADLY LEAD ??? Last I checked, alchemy doesn't work.

While I agree that some products need testing. They went about this all wrong. They should require testing from the problem toy companies, not the artists and crafters already making safe toys and children's items!

Monday, January 26, 2009

CPSIA Gets a Little Attention

I have read so many great articles/posts and seen videos about this horrible law that explain it better than I could, so I want to highlight a few of them.

This affects way more people than many realize: not just parents, and creators of handmade children's products, but readers, store owners, teachers, librarians, environmentalists, toy collectors, and the American and World economies as a whole. Small business are important!

Read the mess here:

Handmade Toy Alliance

Here's an article in Forbes

Some news stories about CPSIA

Mr. Sun

Video Blogger

And the Bloggers

Thank you Ron Paul for voting against this horrible bill. To everyone who voted for this: shame on you and, and pull your heads out of your asses and fix this law!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Single Payer FAQ

Some Frequently Asked Questions from Physicians for a National Health Program about a Single Payer Health Insurance Program

I was just looking around for more information on Single Payer and found some great stuff I wanted to share.

Here's a little video about the basics.

Some information about Taiwan and their single payer system

This one is about Japan's system while Japan has a multi- payer system, insurance companies can't deny people because of pre-existing conditions and they have to cover all doctor visits. Premiums are low because the government sets the price for many procedures and medications.