Monday, May 18, 2009

CO2 Cap and Trade, The New Resressive Tax

I just found this interesting article about the proposed cap and trade for CO2 emissions.

The whole thing disgusts me.

It's not about saving the environment; its about increasing taxes on the people who can least afford to pay them. Say they do this cap and trade thing and the electric company has to pay for the CO2 they make. It's an added cost to the business, but they'll just pass that cost on to customers, and higher electric bills will hurt the poor most of all.

Different geographic areas will pay more tax than others. If your electric company uses coal to produce electricity, you will pay more for electricity under cap and trade. This is extremely biased against the residents of Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming, the states with the most electricity from coal.

This isn't just about your electric bill though, the cost of pretty much everything would go up. CO2 is made by the vehicles getting things to the stores, and by other manufacturing processes.

All this talk is not about CO2 harming the environment. Many plants like increased CO2, and grow faster in that environment

It is about finding something to tax, because the rich and powerful don't want to pay their fair share. This is just another way to hurt the little guy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Women's Health in El Salvador

I found this article from the New York Times Magazine while browsing around the internet. It's a interesting article about the current abortion laws in El Salvador, and it disgusted me. In El Salvador abortion is illegal, and both the woman seeking an abortion and the doctor or otherwise performing it face jail time if caught. There is no exception for the health or the life of the mother, nothing for rape or incest. Doctors are even scared to end ectopic pregnancies, where a fertilized egg gets stuck in the fallopian tube. That situation does not result in a baby, but in pain and possible death for the woman. If done early, a simple operation can remove the fetus. If its allowed to grow until the organ ruptures it becomes a medical emergency. In El Salvador, the unlucky women are forced to wait until the fetus dies on its own or their fallopian tube ruptures, before the operation is allowed.

I just don't understand the view that a group of cells is more important than an already living life.

There are people that want these sorts of laws in the United States too. They must truly hate women and want to cause all kinda of needless suffering.