Wednesday, December 31, 2008

National Health Care/ Single Payer Healthcare

This is a topic that has become increasingly important and something that I dearly hope our next President can tackle.

There is a lot wrong with the for profit health care system we have in the United States. Whether or not you can go to the doctor should not depend on how much money you have or if you can afford health insurance.

If you have had to not see a doctor because of money or have been screwed by a doctor's office or your insurance company, you probably agree with me on this.

If you still think that America has the best health care in the world, here are some facts for you:

The United States ranks 23rd in infant mortality, down from 12th in 1960 and 21st in 1990

The United States ranks 20th in life expectancy for women down from 1st in 1945 and 13th in 1960

The United States ranks 21st in life expectancy for men down from 1st in 1945 and 17th in 1960.

The U.S. spends more on health care per capita ($4,637 in 2000) and as a proportion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) than any other nation in the world

From Guaranteed Healthcare here are the Top 10 reasons for a single payer system:

1. Healthcare for everyone, period

2. Portability. If you change jobs or are unemployed, you still get healthcare.

3. Uniform benefits. Everyone gets the same care, not better care for those who can pay more.

4. Prevention. Everyone can afford preventative care which improves health and lowers costs.

5. Choice of physician. No more worries about, "Is this doctor in my preferred network?"

6. Ending insurance industry interference with care. Caregivers and patients decide what's needed, not an insurance company deciding what's covered.

7. Reducing administrative waste.

8. Cost savings. A single payer system would cover everyone with the savings from reducing waste.

Taiwan, shifting from a U.S. healthcare model, adopted a single-payer system in 1995, boosting health coverage from 57% to 97% with little if any increase in overall healthcare spending.

9. Common sense budgeting including setting fair prices and getting volume discounts.

10. Public oversight. The public sets the policies and administers, instead of our current for profit system.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I checked out this site the other day. It's a pretty cool idea. People vote on what issues they think are the most important. There will be two rounds of voting. First to get the top ideas in each category, and then to get the top 10 ideas overall.

From :
"The "Top 10 Ideas for America" will be presented to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day. We will then build a national campaign to advance each idea in Congress, marshaling the resources of, MySpace, and our dozens of partner organizations and millions of combined members."

There are all sorts of ideas on the site, some more important than others and some overlapping.

You do have to create a sign it, but I had fun browsing through all the ideas and voting. I hope that they can get these ideas heard.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Restricting Sudafed Purchases Annoys Customers and Does Not Stop Meth

So I have a cold. It's not fun. Say around 10pm I decide that I'd like some decongestant to help with my stuffed up nose. Well, that's just too bad, since the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 was included in the Patriot Act in 2006. Now Sudafed is kept behind the counter. You have to ask a pharmacist for it and show your id. Well, the fake stuff didn't work against my cold. Later, I went to the pharmacy, stood in line, showed my id and bought the cold medicine.

From the FDA site:

This law is ridiculus. All it does is inconvience people who'd like a little relief from a cold, people who'd like to breath through their nose.

The reason for all this trouble is that psudoephedrine can be used to make methamphetamines, an illegal drug. The idea is that the law will stop people from going to multiple pharmacies and buying out the psudoephedrine.

Well, news flash, this law isn't stopping people from making and selling meth. There are other ways to get the ingredients to make meth here in the US, and meth is made in large quantites in Mexico and imported.

We should not let a few bad apples spoil it for the rest of us. As an simple, midterm comprimse, how about letting any cashier check id to buy cold medicine, just like a cashier can check id for alcohol. That way if the pharmacy is closed, customers can still buy the Sudafed. I think an even better solution is to scrap this law and go after the root cause. Why do people want to use meth? Focus and education and prevention, before people get addicted. As long as there are people looking to buy, there will be dealers selling it. If the dealers and producers stop making a ton of money, it won't be worth it to them anymore.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Looking for How your Reps Voted?


NayALSessions, Jefferson [R]
NayALShelby, Richard [R]
AyeAKMurkowski, Lisa [R]
AyeAKStevens, Ted [R]
AyeAZKyl, Jon [R]
AyeAZMcCain, John [R]
AyeARLincoln, Blanche [D]
AyeARPryor, Mark [D]
AyeCABoxer, Barbara [D]
AyeCAFeinstein, Dianne [D]
AyeCOSalazar, Ken [D]
NayCOAllard, Wayne [R]
AyeCTDodd, Christopher [D]
AyeCTLieberman, Joseph [I]
AyeDEBiden, Joseph [D]
AyeDECarper, Thomas [D]
AyeFLMartinez, Mel [R]
NayFLNelson, Bill [D]
AyeGAChambliss, C. [R]
AyeGAIsakson, John [R]
AyeHIAkaka, Daniel [D]
AyeHIInouye, Daniel [D]
AyeIDCraig, Larry [R]
NayIDCrapo, Michael [R]
AyeILDurbin, Richard [D]
AyeILObama, Barack [D]
AyeINBayh, B. [D]
AyeINLugar, Richard [R]
AyeIAGrassley, Charles [R]
AyeIAHarkin, Thomas [D]
NayKSBrownback, Samuel [R]
NayKSRoberts, Pat [R]
AyeKYMcConnell, Mitch [R]
NayKYBunning, Jim [R]
NayLALandrieu, Mary [D]
NayLAVitter, David [R]
AyeMECollins, Susan [R]
AyeMESnowe, Olympia [R]
AyeMDCardin, Benjamin [D]
AyeMDMikulski, Barbara [D]
AyeMAKerry, John [D]
No VoteMAKennedy, Edward [D]
AyeMILevin, Carl [D]
NayMIStabenow, Debbie Ann [D]
AyeMNColeman, Norm [R]
AyeMNKlobuchar, Amy [D]
NayMSCochran, Thad [R]
NayMSWicker, Roger [R]
AyeMOBond, Christopher [R]
AyeMOMcCaskill, Claire [D]
AyeMTBaucus, Max [D]
NayMTTester, Jon [D]
AyeNEHagel, Charles [R]
AyeNENelson, Ben [D]
AyeNVEnsign, John [R]
AyeNVReid, Harry [D]
New Hampshire
AyeNHGregg, Judd [R]
AyeNHSununu, John [R]
New Jersey
AyeNJLautenberg, Frank [D]
AyeNJMenendez, Robert [D]
New Mexico
AyeNMBingaman, Jeff [D]
AyeNMDomenici, Pete [R]
New York
AyeNYClinton, Hillary [D]
AyeNYSchumer, Charles [D]
North Carolina
AyeNCBurr, Richard [R]
NayNCDole, Elizabeth [R]
North Dakota
AyeNDConrad, Kent [D]
NayNDDorgan, Byron [D]
AyeOHBrown, Sherrod [D]
AyeOHVoinovich, George [R]
AyeOKCoburn, Thomas [R]
NayOKInhofe, James [R]
AyeORSmith, Gordon [R]
NayORWyden, Ron [D]
AyePACasey, Robert [D]
AyePASpecter, Arlen [R]
Rhode Island
AyeRIReed, John [D]
AyeRIWhitehouse, Sheldon [D]
South Carolina
AyeSCGraham, Lindsey [R]
NaySCDeMint, Jim [R]
South Dakota
AyeSDThune, John [R]
NaySDJohnson, Tim [D]
AyeTNAlexander, Lamar [R]
AyeTNCorker, Bob [R]
AyeTXCornyn, John [R]
AyeTXHutchison, Kay [R]
AyeUTBennett, Robert [R]
AyeUTHatch, Orrin [R]
AyeVTLeahy, Patrick [D]
NayVTSanders, Bernard [I]
AyeVAWarner, John [R]
AyeVAWebb, Jim [D]
AyeWAMurray, Patty [D]
NayWACantwell, Maria [D]
West Virginia
AyeWVByrd, Robert [D]
AyeWVRockefeller, John [D]
AyeWIKohl, Herbert [D]
NayWIFeingold, Russell [D]
NayWYBarrasso, John [R]
NayWYEnzi, Michael [R]


NayAL-1Bonner, Jo [R]
NayAL-2Everett, Terry [R]
NayAL-3Rogers, Michael [R]
NayAL-4Aderholt, Robert [R]
AyeAL-5Cramer, Robert [D]
NayAL-6Bachus, Spencer [R]
AyeAL-7Davis, Artur [D]
AyeAK-0Young, Donald [R]
No VoteAZ-1Renzi, Rick [R]
NayAZ-2Franks, Trent [R]
NayAZ-3Shadegg, John [R]
AyeAZ-4Pastor, Edward [D]
AyeAZ-5Mitchell, Harry [D]
NayAZ-6Flake, Jeff [R]
AyeAZ-7Grijalva, Raul [D]
AyeAZ-8Giffords, Gabrielle [D]
AyeAR-1Berry, Robert [D]
AyeAR-2Snyder, Victor [D]
NayAR-3Boozman, John [R]
AyeAR-4Ross, Mike [D]
AyeCA-1Thompson, C. [D]
NayCA-2Herger, Walter [R]
NayCA-3Lungren, Daniel [R]
NayCA-4Doolittle, John [R]
AyeCA-5Matsui, Doris [D]
No VoteCA-6Woolsey, Lynn [D]
AyeCA-7Miller, George [D]
AyeCA-8Pelosi, Nancy [D]
AyeCA-9Lee, Barbara [D]
AyeCA-10Tauscher, Ellen [D]
AyeCA-11McNerney, Jerry [D]
AyeCA-13Stark, Fortney [D]
AyeCA-14Eshoo, Anna [D]
AyeCA-15Honda, Michael [D]
AyeCA-16Lofgren, Zoe [D]
AyeCA-17Farr, Sam [D]
AyeCA-18Cardoza, Dennis [D]
NayCA-19Radanovich, George [R]
AyeCA-20Costa, Jim [D]
NayCA-21Nunes, Devin [R]
NayCA-22McCarthy, Kevin [R]
AyeCA-23Capps, Lois [D]
AyeCA-24Gallegly, Elton [R]
NayCA-25McKeon, Howard [R]
NayCA-26Dreier, David [R]
AyeCA-27Sherman, Brad [D]
AyeCA-28Berman, Howard [D]
AyeCA-29Schiff, Adam [D]
AyeCA-30Waxman, Henry [D]
AyeCA-31Becerra, Xavier [D]
AyeCA-32Solis, Hilda [D]
AyeCA-33Watson, Diane [D]
AyeCA-34Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D]
AyeCA-35Waters, Maxine [D]
AyeCA-36Harman, Jane [D]
AyeCA-37Richardson, Laura [D]
AyeCA-38Napolitano, Grace [D]
AyeCA-39Sanchez, Linda [D]
NayCA-40Royce, Edward [R]
NayCA-41Lewis, Jerry [R]
NayCA-42Miller, Gary [R]
AyeCA-43Baca, Joe [D]
NayCA-44Calvert, Ken [R]
AyeCA-45Bono Mack, Mary [R]
NayCA-46Rohrabacher, Dana [R]
AyeCA-47Sanchez, Loretta [D]
NayCA-48Campbell, John [R]
NayCA-49Issa, Darrell [R]
NayCA-50Bilbray, Brian [R]
AyeCA-51Filner, Bob [D]
NayCA-52Hunter, Duncan [R]
AyeCA-53Davis, Susan [D]
AyeCO-1DeGette, Diana [D]
AyeCO-2Udall, Mark [D]
AyeCO-3Salazar, John [D]
No VoteCO-4Musgrave, Marilyn [R]
NayCO-5Lamborn, Doug [R]
NayCO-6Tancredo, Thomas [R]
AyeCO-7Perlmutter, Ed [D]
AyeCT-1Larson, John [D]
AyeCT-2Courtney, Joe [D]
AyeCT-3DeLauro, Rosa [D]
AyeCT-4Shays, Christopher [R]
AyeCT-5Murphy, Christopher [D]
AyeDE-0Castle, Michael [R]
NayFL-1Miller, Jeff [R]
AyeFL-2Boyd, F. [D]
AyeFL-3Brown, Corrine [D]
NayFL-4Crenshaw, Ander [R]
No VoteFL-5Brown-Waite, Virginia [R]
NayFL-6Stearns, Clifford [R]
NayFL-7Mica, John [R]
No VoteFL-8Keller, Ric [R]
NayFL-9Bilirakis, Gus [R]
NayFL-10Young, C. W. [R]
AyeFL-11Castor, Kathy [D]
NayFL-12Putnam, Adam [R]
AyeFL-13Buchanan, Vern [R]
NayFL-14Mack, Connie [R]
NayFL-15Weldon, David [R]
AyeFL-16Mahoney, Tim [D]
AyeFL-17Meek, Kendrick [D]
AyeFL-18Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R]
AyeFL-19Wexler, Robert [D]
AyeFL-20Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [D]
AyeFL-21Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R]
AyeFL-22Klein, Ron [D]
AyeFL-23Hastings, Alcee [D]
NayFL-24Feeney, Tom [R]
AyeFL-25Diaz-Balart, Mario [R]
NayGA-1Kingston, Jack [R]
AyeGA-2Bishop, Sanford [D]
NayGA-3Westmoreland, Lynn [R]
AyeGA-4Johnson, Henry [D]
AyeGA-5Lewis, John [D]
NayGA-6Price, Tom [R]
NayGA-7Linder, John [R]
NayGA-8Marshall, James [D]
NayGA-9Deal, Nathan [R]
NayGA-10Broun, Paul [R]
NayGA-11Gingrey, John [R]
AyeGA-12Barrow, John [D]
AyeGA-13Scott, David [D]
AyeHI-1Abercrombie, Neil [D]
AyeHI-2Hirono, Mazie [D]
NayID-1Sali, Bill [R]
NayID-2Simpson, Michael [R]
No VoteIL-1Rush, Bobby [D]
AyeIL-2Jackson, Jesse [D]
AyeIL-3Lipinski, Daniel [D]
AyeIL-4Gutierrez, Luis [D]
AyeIL-5Emanuel, Rahm [D]
NayIL-6Roskam, Peter [R]
AyeIL-7Davis, Danny [D]
AyeIL-8Bean, Melissa [D]
AyeIL-9Schakowsky, Janice [D]
AyeIL-10Kirk, Mark [R]
AyeIL-11Weller, Gerald [R]
AyeIL-12Costello, Jerry [D]
AyeIL-13Biggert, Judy [R]
AyeIL-15Johnson, Timothy [R]
NayIL-16Manzullo, Donald [R]
AyeIL-17Hare, Phil [D]
AyeIL-18LaHood, Ray [R]
NayIL-19Shimkus, John [R]
AyeIN-1Visclosky, Peter [D]
AyeIN-2Donnelly, Joe [D]
NayIN-3Souder, Mark [R]
NayIN-4Buyer, Stephen [R]
NayIN-5Burton, Dan [R]
NayIN-6Pence, Mike [R]
AyeIN-8Ellsworth, Brad [D]
AyeIN-9Hill, Baron [D]
AyeIA-1Braley, Bruce [D]
AyeIA-2Loebsack, David [D]
AyeIA-3Boswell, Leonard [D]
NayIA-4Latham, Thomas [R]
NayIA-5King, Steve [R]
NayKS-1Moran, Jerry [R]
AyeKS-2Boyda, Nancy [D]
AyeKS-3Moore, Dennis [D]
AyeKS-4Tiahrt, Todd [R]
NayKY-1Whitfield, Edward [R]
NayKY-2Lewis, Ron [R]
AyeKY-3Yarmuth, John [D]
NayKY-4Davis, Geoff [R]
NayKY-5Rogers, Harold [R]
AyeKY-6Chandler, Ben [D]
AyeLA-2Jefferson, William [D]
AyeLA-3Melancon, Charles [D]
NayLA-4McCrery, James [R]
NayLA-5Alexander, Rodney [R]
AyeLA-7Boustany, Charles [R]
AyeME-1Allen, Thomas [D]
AyeME-2Michaud, Michael [D]
AyeMD-1Gilchrest, Wayne [R]
AyeMD-2Ruppersberger, C.A. [D]
AyeMD-3Sarbanes, John [D]
No VoteMD-4Wynn, Albert [D]
AyeMD-5Hoyer, Steny [D]
NayMD-6Bartlett, Roscoe [R]
AyeMD-7Cummings, Elijah [D]
AyeMD-8Van Hollen, Christopher [D]
AyeMA-1Olver, John [D]
AyeMA-2Neal, Richard [D]
AyeMA-3McGovern, James [D]
AyeMA-4Frank, Barney [D]
AyeMA-5Tsongas, Niki [D]
AyeMA-6Tierney, John [D]
AyeMA-7Markey, Edward [D]
AyeMA-8Capuano, Michael [D]
AyeMA-9Lynch, Stephen [D]
AyeMA-10Delahunt, William [D]
AyeMI-1Stupak, Bart [D]
NayMI-2Hoekstra, Peter [R]
NayMI-3Ehlers, Vernon [R]
NayMI-4Camp, David [R]
AyeMI-5Kildee, Dale [D]
AyeMI-6Upton, Frederick [R]
No VoteMI-7Walberg, Timothy [R]
NayMI-8Rogers, Michael [R]
AyeMI-9Knollenberg, Joseph [R]
AyeMI-10Miller, Candice [R]
NayMI-11McCotter, Thaddeus [R]
AyeMI-12Levin, Sander [D]
AyeMI-13Kilpatrick, Carolyn [D]
AyeMI-14Conyers, John [D]
AyeMI-15Dingell, John [D]
AyeMN-1Walz, Timothy [D]
NayMN-2Kline, John [R]
AyeMN-3Ramstad, James [R]
AyeMN-4McCollum, Betty [D]
AyeMN-5Ellison, Keith [D]
NayMN-6Bachmann, Michele [R]
AyeMN-7Peterson, Collin [D]
AyeMN-8Oberstar, James [D]
AyeMS-2Thompson, Bennie [D]
AyeMS-3Pickering, Charles [R]
AyeMS-4Taylor, Gene [D]
AyeMO-1Clay, William [D]
NayMO-2Akin, W. [R]
AyeMO-3Carnahan, Russ [D]
AyeMO-4Skelton, Ike [D]
AyeMO-5Cleaver, Emanuel [D]
NayMO-6Graves, Samuel [R]
NayMO-7Blunt, Roy [R]
AyeMO-8Emerson, Jo Ann [R]
NayMO-9Hulshof, Kenny [R]
NayMT-0Rehberg, Dennis [R]
NayNE-1Fortenberry, Jeffrey [R]
NayNE-2Terry, Lee [R]
NayNE-3Smith, Adrian [R]
AyeNV-1Berkley, Shelley [D]
NayNV-2Heller, Dean [R]
NayNV-3Porter, Jon [R]
New Hampshire
AyeNH-1Shea-Porter, Carol [D]
AyeNH-2Hodes, Paul [D]
New Jersey
AyeNJ-1Andrews, Robert [D]
AyeNJ-2LoBiondo, Frank [R]
AyeNJ-3Saxton, H. [R]
NayNJ-4Smith, Christopher [R]
NayNJ-5Garrett, E. [R]
AyeNJ-6Pallone, Frank [D]
AyeNJ-7Ferguson, Michael [R]
AyeNJ-8Pascrell, William [D]
AyeNJ-9Rothman, Steven [D]
AyeNJ-10Payne, Donald [D]
AyeNJ-11Frelinghuysen, Rodney [R]
AyeNJ-12Holt, Rush [D]
AyeNJ-13Sires, Albio [D]
New Mexico
NayNM-1Wilson, Heather [R]
NayNM-2Pearce, Steven [R]
AyeNM-3Udall, Tom [D]
New York
AyeNY-1Bishop, Timothy [D]
AyeNY-2Israel, Steve [D]
AyeNY-3King, Peter [R]
AyeNY-4McCarthy, Carolyn [D]
AyeNY-5Ackerman, Gary [D]
AyeNY-6Meeks, Gregory [D]
AyeNY-7Crowley, Joseph [D]
AyeNY-8Nadler, Jerrold [D]
AyeNY-9Weiner, Anthony [D]
AyeNY-10Towns, Edolphus [D]
AyeNY-11Clarke, Yvette [D]
AyeNY-12Velazquez, Nydia [D]
AyeNY-13Fossella, Vito [R]
AyeNY-14Maloney, Carolyn [D]
No VoteNY-15Rangel, Charles [D]
AyeNY-16Serrano, José [D]
AyeNY-17Engel, Eliot [D]
AyeNY-18Lowey, Nita [D]
AyeNY-19Hall, John [D]
AyeNY-20Gillibrand, Kirsten [D]
AyeNY-21McNulty, Michael [D]
AyeNY-22Hinchey, Maurice [D]
AyeNY-23McHugh, John [R]
AyeNY-24Arcuri, Michael [D]
AyeNY-25Walsh, James [R]
NayNY-26Reynolds, Thomas [R]
AyeNY-27Higgins, Brian [D]
AyeNY-28Slaughter, Louise [D]
NayNY-29Kuhl, John [R]
North Carolina
AyeNC-1Butterfield, George [D]
AyeNC-2Etheridge, Bob [D]
NayNC-3Jones, Walter [R]
AyeNC-4Price, David [D]
NayNC-5Foxx, Virginia [R]
NayNC-6Coble, Howard [R]
AyeNC-7McIntyre, Mike [D]
AyeNC-8Hayes, Robin [R]
NayNC-9Myrick, Sue [R]
NayNC-10Mchenry, Patrick [R]
AyeNC-11Shuler, Heath [D]
AyeNC-12Watt, Melvin [D]
AyeNC-13Miller, R. [D]
North Dakota
AyeND-0Pomeroy, Earl [D]
NayOH-1Chabot, Steven [R]
NayOH-2Schmidt, Jean [R]
NayOH-3Turner, Michael [R]
NayOH-4Jordan, Jim [R]
NayOH-5Latta, Robert [R]
AyeOH-6Wilson, Charles [D]
AyeOH-7Hobson, David [R]
NayOH-8Boehner, John [R]
AyeOH-9Kaptur, Marcy [D]
AyeOH-10Kucinich, Dennis [D]
AyeOH-11Jones, Stephanie [D]
NayOH-12Tiberi, Patrick [R]
AyeOH-13Sutton, Betty [D]
AyeOH-14LaTourette, Steven [R]
AyeOH-15Pryce, Deborah [R]
AyeOH-16Regula, Ralph [R]
AyeOH-17Ryan, Timothy [D]
AyeOH-18Space, Zachary [D]
AyeOK-1Sullivan, John [R]
AyeOK-2Boren, Dan [D]
NayOK-3Lucas, Frank [R]
NayOK-4Cole, Tom [R]
NayOK-5Fallin, Mary [R]
AyeOR-1Wu, David [D]
NayOR-2Walden, Greg [R]
AyeOR-3Blumenauer, Earl [D]
AyeOR-4DeFazio, Peter [D]
AyeOR-5Hooley, Darlene [D]
AyePA-1Brady, Robert [D]
AyePA-2Fattah, Chaka [D]
AyePA-3English, Philip [R]
AyePA-4Altmire, Jason [D]
NayPA-5Peterson, John [R]
AyePA-6Gerlach, Jim [R]
AyePA-7Sestak, Joe [D]
AyePA-8Murphy, Patrick [D]
NayPA-9Shuster, William [R]
AyePA-10Carney, Christopher [D]
AyePA-11Kanjorski, Paul [D]
AyePA-12Murtha, John [D]
AyePA-13Schwartz, Allyson [D]
AyePA-14Doyle, Michael [D]
AyePA-15Dent, Charles [R]
NayPA-16Pitts, Joseph [R]
AyePA-17Holden, Tim [D]
AyePA-18Murphy, Tim [R]
AyePA-19Platts, Todd [R]
Rhode Island
AyeRI-1Kennedy, Patrick [D]
AyeRI-2Langevin, James [D]
South Carolina
NaySC-1Brown, Henry [R]
NaySC-2Wilson, Addison [R]
NaySC-3Barrett, James [R]
NaySC-4Inglis, Bob [R]
AyeSC-5Spratt, John [D]
AyeSC-6Clyburn, James [D]
South Dakota
AyeSD-0Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie [D]
NayTN-1Davis, David [R]
NayTN-2Duncan, John [R]
AyeTN-3Wamp, Zach [R]
AyeTN-4Davis, Lincoln [D]
AyeTN-5Cooper, Jim [D]
AyeTN-6Gordon, Barton [D]
NayTN-7Blackburn, Marsha [R]
AyeTN-8Tanner, John [D]
AyeTN-9Cohen, Steve [D]
NayTX-1Gohmert, Louis [R]
No VoteTX-2Poe, Ted [R]
NayTX-3Johnson, Samuel [R]
NayTX-4Hall, Ralph [R]
NayTX-5Hensarling, Jeb [R]
NayTX-6Barton, Joe [R]
NayTX-7Culberson, John [R]
NayTX-8Brady, Kevin [R]
AyeTX-9Green, Al [D]
NayTX-10McCaul, Michael [R]
NayTX-11Conaway, K. [R]
NayTX-12Granger, Kay [R]
NayTX-13Thornberry, William [R]
NayTX-14Paul, Ronald [R]
NayTX-15Hinojosa, Rubén [D]
AyeTX-16Reyes, Silvestre [D]
AyeTX-17Edwards, Thomas [D]
AyeTX-18Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D]
NayTX-19Neugebauer, Randy [R]
No VoteTX-20Gonzalez, Charles [D]
AyeTX-21Smith, Lamar [R]
NayTX-22Lampson, Nicholas [D]
AyeTX-23Rodriguez, Ciro [D]
NayTX-24Marchant, Kenny [R]
AyeTX-25Doggett, Lloyd [D]
NayTX-26Burgess, Michael [R]
AyeTX-27Ortiz, Solomon [D]
AyeTX-28Cuellar, Henry [D]
AyeTX-29Green, Raymond [D]
No VoteTX-30Johnson, Eddie [D]
NayTX-31Carter, John [R]
NayTX-32Sessions, Peter [R]
NayUT-1Bishop, Rob [R]
AyeUT-2Matheson, Jim [D]
NayUT-3Cannon, Christopher [R]
No VoteVT-0Welch, Peter [D]
NayVA-1Wittman, Rob [R]
NayVA-2Drake, Thelma [R]
AyeVA-3Scott, Robert [D]
NayVA-4Forbes, James [R]
NayVA-5Goode, Virgil [R]
NayVA-6Goodlatte, Robert [R]
NayVA-7Cantor, Eric [R]
AyeVA-8Moran, James [D]
AyeVA-9Boucher, Frederick [D]
NayVA-10Wolf, Frank [R]
AyeVA-11Davis, Thomas [R]
AyeWA-1Inslee, Jay [D]
AyeWA-2Larsen, Rick [D]
AyeWA-3Baird, Brian [D]
NayWA-4Hastings, Doc [R]
NayWA-5McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R]
AyeWA-6Dicks, Norman [D]
AyeWA-7McDermott, James [D]
NayWA-8Reichert, Dave [R]
AyeWA-9Smith, Adam [D]
West Virginia
AyeWV-1Mollohan, Alan [D]
AyeWV-2Capito, Shelley [R]
AyeWV-3Rahall, Nick [D]
NayWI-1Ryan, Paul [R]
AyeWI-2Baldwin, Tammy [D]
AyeWI-3Kind, Ronald [D]
AyeWI-4Moore, Gwen [D]
AyeWI-5Sensenbrenner, F. [R]
NayWI-6Petri, Thomas [R]
AyeWI-7Obey, David [D]
AyeWI-8Kagen, Steve [D]
NayWY-0Cubin, Barbara [R]